Testing elements by CSS selector
Before SimpleTest2 gets a new browser (PHP5 only and DOM based), a new extension made its way to the SimpleTest trunk.
Note : it's already PHP5 only.
Testing for Web2.0
1998 seems a long time ago now : it's the year the the Web Standards Project (WaSP) started fighting for standards.
Nearly ten years later, every web developper is now familiar with CSS : id & class are the new tools of the trade. The tricks you've learned while styling, you can re-use them when testing your web site.
I was about to start with the Flickr home page but then again, this is what the HTML source looks like :
<body> <div id="beacon"><img src="http://geo.yahoo.com/f?s=792600119&t=7797cfa4695ea4166ba6c8ee269ec1b6" width="0" height="0" alt="" /></div> <div align="center"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" class="Photo"> <tr valign="top"> <!-- PHOTO --> <td> [...]Who said too many tables ? So I picked something else... the SimpleTest home page !
<body> <div> <div id="actions"> <div id="logo"> <a href="http://simpletest.org/index.html"><img name="simpletestlogo" src="images/simpletest-logo.png" width="335" height="127" border="0" id="simpletestlogo" alt="" /></a> </div> <div> <div> <a href="en/download.html"><img name="simpletestdownload" src="images/simpletest-download.png" width="305" height="109" border="0" id="simpletestdownload" alt="" /></a> [...]
Basic CSS selectors...
As usual we start with the necessary require_once
<?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../autorun.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../dom_tester.php'); ?>The
extends the WebTestCase
we can just use it the same way.
<?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../autorun.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../dom_tester.php'); class TestOfLiveCssSelectors extends DomTestCase { function testGet() { $url = 'http://simpletest.org/'; $this->assertTrue($this->get($url)); $this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), $url); $this->assertElementsBySelector( 'h2', array('Screenshots', 'Documentation', 'Contributing') ); } } ?>
I was expecting to get a nice green bar straight away : I did wrote the HTML template after all. Unfortunately it didn't happen, PHP gave me some nice exceptions :
Exception 1!
Unexpected PHP error [DOMDocument::loadHTML() [function.DOMDocument-loadHTML]: ID simpletestlogo already defined in Entity, line: 12] severity [E_WARNING] in [/Users/perrick/Sites/simpletest/extensions/dom_tester.php line 103]
in testGet
in TestOfLiveCssSelectors
Exception 2!
Unexpected PHP error [DOMDocument::loadHTML() [function.DOMDocument-loadHTML]: ID simpletestdownload already defined in Entity, line: 16] severity [E_WARNING] in [/Users/perrick/Sites/simpletest/extensions/dom_tester.php line 103]
in testGet
in TestOfLiveCssSelectors
Exception 3!
Unexpected PHP error [DOMDocument::loadHTML() [function.DOMDocument-loadHTML]: ID simpleteststarttesting already defined in Entity, line: 24] severity [E_WARNING] in [/Users/perrick/Sites/simpletest/extensions/dom_tester.php line 103]
in testGet
in TestOfLiveCssSelectors
Exception 4!
Unexpected PHP error [DOMDocument::loadHTML() [function.DOMDocument-loadHTML]: ID simpletestsupport already defined in Entity, line: 38] severity [E_WARNING] in [/Users/perrick/Sites/simpletest/extensions/dom_tester.php line 103]
in testGet
in TestOfLiveCssSelectors
Test cases run: 1/1, Passes: 3, Failures: 0, Exceptions: 4
Back to the drawing board... A simple fix later, everything is fine.
Test cases run: 1/1, Passes: 3, Failures: 0, Exceptions: 0
...and non so basic selectors
If you thought it was easy, we can make things a little bit more difficult - or precise - with attribute selectors :
[...] class TestOfLiveCssSelectors extends DomTestCase { function testGet() { $url = 'http://simpletest.org/'; $this->assertTrue($this->get($url)); $this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), $url); $this->assertElementsBySelector( 'h2', array('Screenshots', 'Documentation', 'Contributing') ); $this->assertElementsBySelector( 'a[href="http://simpletest.org/api/"]', array('the complete API', 'documented API') ); } } [...]
Test cases run: 1/1, Passes: 4, Failures: 0, Exceptions: 0
Oh and by the way, combinators do work as well :
[...] class TestOfLiveCssSelectors extends DomTestCase { function testGet() { $url = 'http://simpletest.org/'; $this->assertTrue($this->get($url)); $this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), $url); $this->assertElementsBySelector( 'h2', array('Screenshots', 'Documentation', 'Contributing') ); $this->assertElementsBySelector( 'a[href="http://simpletest.org/api/"]', array('the complete API', 'documented API') ); $this->assertElementsBySelector( 'div#content > p > strong', array('SimpleTest PHP unit tester') ); } } [...]
Test cases run: 1/1, Passes: 5, Failures: 0, Exceptions: 0