The Application Boundary
You are probably thinking that we have well and truly exhausted
the Log
class by now and that there is
really nothing more to add.
Things are never that simple with object oriented programming, though.
You think you understand a problem and then something comes a long
that challenges your perspective and leads to an even deeper appreciation.
I thought I understood the logging class and that only the first page
of the tutorial would use it.
After that I would move on to something more complicated.
No one is more surprised than me that I still haven't got to
the bottom of it.
In fact I think I have only just figured out what a logger does.
Log variations
Supposing that we do not want to log to a file at all. Perhaps we want to print to the screen, write the messages to a socket or send them to the Unix(tm) syslog daemon for dispatching across the network. How do we incorporate this variation?
Simplest is to subclass the Log
overriding the message()
with new versions.
This will work in the short term, but there is actually something
subtle, but deeply wrong with this.
Suppose we do subclass and have loggers that write to files,
the screen and the network.
Three classes , but that is OK.
Now suppose that we want a new logging class that adds message
filtering by priority, letting only certain types of messages
through according to some configuration file.
We are stuck. If we subclass again, we have to do it for all three classes, giving us six classes. The amount of duplication is horrible.
So are you now wishing that PHP had multiple inheritence? Well, here that would reduce the short term workload, but complicate what should be a very simple class. Multiple inheritance, even when supported, should be used extremely carefully as all sorts of complicated entanglements can result. Treat it as a loaded gun. In fact, our sudden need for it is telling us something else - perhaps that we have gone wrong on the conceptual level.
What does a logger do? Does it send messages to a file? Does it send messages to a network? Does it send messages to a screen? Nope. It just sends messages (full stop). The target of those messages can be chosen when setting up the log, but after that the logger should be left to combine and format the message elements as that is its real job. We restricted ourselves by assuming that target was a filename.
Abstracting a file to a writer
The solution to this plight is a real classic.
First we encapsulate the variation in a class as this will
add a level of indirection.
Instead of passing in the file name as a string we
will pass the "thing that we will write to"
which we will call a Writer
Back to the tests...
<?php require_once('../classes/log.php'); require_once('../classes/clock.php'); require_once('../classes/writer.php'); Mock::generate('Clock'); class TestOfLogging extends UnitTestCase { function TestOfLogging() { $this->UnitTestCase('Log class test'); } function setUp() { @unlink('../temp/test.log'); } function tearDown() { @unlink('../temp/test.log'); } function getFileLine($filename, $index) { $messages = file($filename); return $messages[$index]; } function testCreatingNewFile() { $log = new Log(new FileWriter('../temp/test.log')); $this->assertFalse(file_exists('../temp/test.log'), 'Created before message'); $log->message('Should write this to a file'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists('../temp/test.log'), 'File created'); } function testAppendingToFile() { $log = new Log(new FileWriter('../temp/test.log')); $log->message('Test line 1'); $this->assertWantedPattern( '/Test line 1/', $this->getFileLine('../temp/test.log', 0)); $log->message('Test line 2'); $this->assertWantedPattern( '/Test line 2/', $this->getFileLine('../temp/test.log', 1)); } function testTimestamps() { $clock = &new MockClock($this); $clock->setReturnValue('now', 'Timestamp'); $log = new Log(new FileWriter('../temp/test.log')); $log->message('Test line', &$clock); $this->assertWantedPattern( '/Timestamp/', $this->getFileLine('../temp/test.log', 0), 'Found timestamp'); } } ?>I am going to do this one step at a time so as not to get confused. I have replaced the file names with an imaginary
class from
a file classes/writer.php.
This will cause the tests to crash as we have not written
the writer yet.
Should we do that now?
We could, but we don't have to. We do need to create the interface, though, or we won't be able to mock it. This makes classes/writer.php looks like...
<?php class FileWriter { function FileWriter($file_path) { } function write($message) { } } ?>We need to modify the
as well...
<?php require_once('../classes/clock.php'); require_once('../classes/writer.php'); class Log { var $_writer; function Log(&$writer) { $this->_writer = &$writer; } function message($message, $clock = false) { if (! is_object($clock)) { $clock = new Clock(); } $this->_writer->write("[" . $clock->now() . "] $message"); } } ?>There is not much that hasn't changed in our now even smaller class. The tests run, but fail at this point unless we add code to the writer. What do we do now?
We could start writing tests and code the
class alongside, but
while we were doing this our Log
tests would be failing and disturbing our focus.
In fact we do not have to.
Part of our plan is to free the logging class from the file system and there is a way to do this. First we add a tests/writer_test.php so that we have somewhere to place our test code from log_test.php that we are going to shuffle around. I won't yet add it to the all_tests.php file though as it is the logging aspect we are tackling right now.
Now I have done that (honest) we remove any tests from log_test.php that are not strictly logging related and move them to writer_test.php for later. We will also mock the writer so that it does not write out to real files...
<?php require_once('../classes/log.php'); require_once('../classes/clock.php'); require_once('../classes/writer.php'); Mock::generate('Clock'); Mock::generate('FileWriter'); class TestOfLogging extends UnitTestCase { function TestOfLogging() { $this->UnitTestCase('Log class test'); } function testWriting() { $clock = &new MockClock(); $clock->setReturnValue('now', 'Timestamp'); $writer = &new MockFileWriter($this); $writer->expectArguments('write', array('[Timestamp] Test line')); $writer->expectCallCount('write', 1); $log = &new Log(\$writer); $log->message('Test line', &$clock); } } ?>Yes that really is the whole test case and it really is that short. A lot has happened here...
The requirement to create the file only when needed has
moved to the
. -
As we are dealing with mocks, no files are actually
created and so I moved the
off into the writing tests. - The test now consists of sending a sample message and testing the format.
The mock objects do much more than simply behave like other
objects, they also run tests.
The expectArguments()
call told the mock to expect a single parameter of
the string "[Timestamp] Test line" when
the mock write()
method is
When that method is called the expected parameters are
compared with this and either a pass or a fail is sent
to the unit test as a result.
The other expectation is that write()
will be called only once.
Simply setting this up is not enough.
We can see all this in action by running the tests...
All tests
Pass: log_test.php->Log class test->testwriting->Arguments for [write] were [String: [Timestamp] Test line]Pass: log_test.php->Log class test->testwriting->Expected call count for [write] was [1], but got [1]
Pass: clock_test.php->Clock class test->testclockadvance->Advancement
Pass: clock_test.php->Clock class test->testclocktellstime->Now is the right time
We can actually shorten our test slightly more.
The mock object expectation expectOnce()
can actually combine the two seperate expectations...
function testWriting() { $clock = &new MockClock(); $clock->setReturnValue('now', 'Timestamp'); $writer = &new MockFileWriter($this); $writer->expectOnce('write', array('[Timestamp] Test line')); $log = &new Log($writer); $log->message('Test line', &$clock); }This can be an effective shorthand.
Boundary classes
Something very nice has happened to the logger besides merely getting smaller.
The only things it depends on now are classes that we have written
ourselves and
in the tests these are mocked and so there are no dependencies
on anything other than our own PHP code.
No writing to files or waiting for clocks to tick over.
This means that the log_test.php test case will
run as fast as the processor will carry it.
By contrast the FileWriter
and Clock
classes are very
close to the system.
This makes them harder to test as real data must be moved
around and painstakingly confirmed, often by ad hoc tricks.
Our last refactoring has helped a lot.
The hard to test classes on the boundary of the application
and the system are now smaller as the I/O code has
been further separated from the application logic.
They are direct mappings to PHP operations:
to PHP fwrite()
with the
file opened for appending and
maps to
PHP time()
This makes debugging easier.
It also means that these classes will change less often.
If they don't change a lot then there is no reason to keep running the tests for them. This means that tests for the boundary classes can be moved off into there own test suite leaving the other unit tests to run at full speed. In fact this is what I tend to do and the test cases in SimpleTest itself are divided this way.
That may not sound like much with one unit test and two boundary tests, but typical applications can have twenty boundary classes and two hundred application classes. To keep these running at full speed you will want to keep them separate.
Besides, separating off decisions of which system components to use is good development. Perhaps all this mocking is improving our design?